AGRICULTURE - ELECTROCUTION HAZARDS Electrical hazards on the farm can result in electrical shock to humans or to livestock and possibly result...
MSHA Final Rule on Exposure to Silica The final rule lowers the exposure limit of respirable crystalline silica to 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air for a full-shift...
The Department of Labor’s Final Rule Clarifies Who May Serve as the Employee Representative During an OSHA Inspection OSHA published a final rule on April 1, 2024, concerning who may be present during an inspection. ...
Las cuerdas de seguridad y las líneas de vida pueden cortarse con bordes expuestos durante las caídas Las líneas de vida, cuando están correctamente ancladas, pueden prevenir una caída o sostener a un trabajador que...
Summary of Changes in the 2024 Edition of the Emergency Response Guide (ERG) The most significant changes from the 2020 version of the ERG to the 2024 version, are listed below...
LANYARDS AND LIFELINES CAN BE SEVERED ON EXPOSED EDGES DURING FALLS Lifelines, when properly anchored, can prevent a fall from occurring or stop a fallen worker from contacting a...